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October 2021 Newsletter

Stacie Dixon

Fistula Surgery Restores Women's Lives

Joyce is overjoyed after surgery to repair her fistula.

Terrewode Women's Community Hospital (TWCH) is restoring lives, one woman at a time. Joyce, a mother of nine, experienced a complicated delivery with her last labor, which ended in a cesarean section and tragically, a stillbirth. During her recovery, Joyce realized she was completely incontinent. She was referred to Terrewode and promptly received surgery. Joyce spent two weeks recovering at TWCH after surgery and was discharged completely dry. She returned several weeks later for Terrewode's holistic Reintegration Program, where she received counseling, economic empowerment classes, and trained to be a Fistula Advocate in her community.

"There’s no way I can pay Terrewode back for this gratitude, but I’m going back home to spread the message about my healing and look out for women with fistula who can benefit from surgery as I have." –Joyce

Terrewode Team Receives Covid Vaccination

As healthcare workers, TERREWODE staff were eligible to receive the Covid vaccine and Executive Director Alice Emasu reports that nearly all of the staff are now fully vaccinated– a huge milestone for the team!

Yet nationwide in Uganda, only 3.2% of the population is vaccinated. To ensure patient and staff safety, TERREWODE has implemented a number of Covid measures and revised operating procedures. Led by Dr. Tino, Medical Director of TWCH, the team formed a Covid Response Committee and all staff members participated in Covid-19 training through the Ministry of Health. They have erected large open tents on the hospital grounds for rapid Covid testing of all women who arrive for fistula screening before they are admitted to the hospital. Admitted patients first stay in spaced beds in the Reintegration Centre dormitories for 3-4 days before they are retested. Additional Covid measures include: a strict mask mandate, touchless handwashing stations, restricted entry to hospital grounds, and periodic staff testing.

As a result of these additional safety measures, costs at the hospital have risen. Prices for fuel and food have also increased during the pandemic.

Your generous support helps TERREWODE’s resilient staff cover these additional costs and continue to provide life-changing care. Thank you!

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