Irene’s Story: From loss to survival to dream job
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Updates & Media
Making the Case for Holistic Fistula Care: Implementation of a Model Reintegration Program in Uganda
Bonnie Ruder and Alice Emasu, 2022
In: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Obstetric Fistula in Africa
Eds. Laura Briggs Drew, Bonnie Ruder, David Schwartz
Characterizing Persistent Urinary Incontinence After Successful Fistula Closure: The Ugandan Experience
Rahel Nardos, Bonnie Ruder, Lewis Wall, Alice Emasu, et al., American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2022
The Promise and Neglect of Follow-up Care in Obstetric Fistula Treatment in Uganda
Bonnie Ruder and Alice Emasu, 2022
In: Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: from policy spaces to sites of practice,
Eds. Lauren J. Wallace, Margaret E. MacDonald, Katerini T. Storeng
Reintegration needs of young women following genitourinary fistula surgery in Uganda
Alice Emasu, Bonnie Ruder, et al., International Urogynecology Journal, 2019
Too Long to Wait: Obstetric Fistula and the Sociopolitical Dynamics of the Fourth Delay in Soroti, Uganda
Bonnie Ruder, Melissa Cheyney, Alice Emasu, Qualitative Health Research, 2018
A bill of rights for patients with obstetric fistula
Lewis Wall, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2014
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