It seems like I'm showing pictures in slow motion. First, buying land in 2016, then groundbreaking in March of this year. Then, bulldozers and lots of workers and the beginning of buildings. By July, we started to see buildings take shape, and now our most recent September photos, seen here, include a roof on the Administration Building! It is moving forward on time and in budget!
Fundraising continues, but we are very close, and getting closer as supporters are helping raise the last $25,000 needed for construction. Every gift makes a big difference as we reach the end of the campaign. It was exciting to see so much support come in at the end of the summer, and this fall. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you!
The Surgical Building is the largest building, and it takes more time to prepare for a roof. There are several buildings on the six acres, and a solid wall is being built around the parameter. The hospital complex will have separate buildings, connected by walkways and roof overhangs. Five buildings: Surgical, Rehabilitation, Administration, Kitchen, and a Canteen for food and crafts.
Municipal water and power will be used when the hospital opens. The roof is designed to support solar panels, which we would like to see installed, but funds need to be found in order to include them for auxiliary power. As the hospital is near the equator, there is plenty of sunlight to draw from.
Engineers have also identified what it will require to add an auxiliary water supply. It, too, will be included when additional funds are available.
As I write this, Alice Emasu and the hospital leadership are considering staffing needs - the medical director and senior nursing staff. Everything will come together later in 2019. But I get ahead of myself. This month, focus is on completing the buildings. Soon, equipment and furnishings will be added. It is a very exciting time.
I'll be sure to send you the photos.